Coronavirus turned 2020 upside down. However, there are now two vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) available for Coronavirus, which is a great step forward in ending this pandemic.
You may have heard reports in the media of swelling in areas of fillers in some who received the Moderna vaccine during the trial. Here are the facts and what they mean: there were three reports of swelling in the areas where fillers had previously been injected out of the 15,184 patients who received the Moderna vaccine in the trial. The swelling occurred 1-2 days after the vaccine was given. This reaction occurred in less that 0.02% of people who received the vaccine. Swelling in each case resolved. Of note, one patient had a similar reaction after a flu vaccine in the past. No cases in the Pfizer vaccine trial were reported.
The ASDS (American Society of Dermatologic Surgery) published guidance regarding dermal fillers and the vaccine are as follows:
The bottom line: vaccines prevent diseases and having a previous history of fillers is not a reason not to get the vaccine when the opportunity arises.
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